Extracurricular activities

Debate club

Grammar School Nymburk debate cub was established in 2005 and its members are regularly taking part in the Karl Popper Debate Program (KPDP) which, in the Czech Republic, is being patronized by the Asociace debatních klubů, o. s. (Odkaz - http://debatovani.cz/web/). The aim of the club is to aid the development of spiritual values, education and culture in Czech Republic. The club also helps active self education, which is being fulfilled through the aforementioned Karl Popper Debate Program.
Debating is an innovative education method, that helps develop rhetoric, logic and argumentative skills, ethics and the ability to work with and process information. The competitive character of debating allows the students to compare their abilities with those of their peers from all over the Czech Republic, by particiating in debating tournaments organised by ADK.


KMD (Young theatregoer club)

KMD has a long tradition at the Grammar School Nymburk. The club has been active since the school year 1964-65 and has been active ever since.
Students have the opportunity to regularly attend theatre performances at various Prague theatres. KMD currently consists of two separate clubs, each of them having about 40 members.

KMD 1: PaedDr. Helena Hantonová, Mgr. Marie Stojarová
KMD 2: Mgr. Renata Lašová, Mgr. Blanka Suchánková

All KMD members can attend up to six theatre performances. The actual offer of theatre performances can be found below or on the notice board located on the ground floor of the school building.

Charlie Chaplin - Zajímám se o svoji budoucnost, protože v ní hodlám strávit zbytek života.