Reakce studentů na návštěvu z USA

Reakce studentů na návštěvu z USA

Zeptali jsme se studentů na jejich zážitky a pocity z nestandartní hodiny angličtiny, která proběhla 5. 1. 2018. Jak už jsme dříve informovali, naše studenty navštívili vrstevníci z křesťanské střední školy z Jižní Karolíny. Přečtěte si, jak je aktivity vedené vrstevníky - rodilými mluvčími, oslovily.

On 5th January, I think I had the most awesome English lesson.

When I entered the class, I was very surprised because there were many people that I didn’t know. When I and my classmates sat, the lesson started. They spoke to us in English language which I expected but they said they are all from USA. When I heard this I was like: ,,Oh my God!“. One of the people was a teacher and the others were students. Students were older than us, I think they were almost adults. The teacher and students introduce themselves and then the teacher split students so we made small groups with them. I was with Štěpán and we got a man called Skye (I am not sure if I wrote the name right). We were very happy because he was the one we wanted to be with us. Then I introduced myself and Štěpán himself. After that, Skye asked us, if we do any sports and we said that we play football and then the first activity started. The teacher wrote a group of words on the blackboard and we had to say what word didn’t fit there and we had to say why we chose it. After we did this a few times we moved on the next activity. I think it was called Winter rhymes of something like this. The teacher gave us papers filled with puzzles like: What falls from sky and rhymes with glow. We knew almost everything. Then we checked it with my other classmates. The next activity had two parts. I and Štěpán discussed with Skye words about Winter Olympic Games. And in the second part, we got a crossword and we had to write all of the words to it. It was a race, who will have it first but unfortunately me and Štěpán didn’t. After the activities our small group took a selfie together and then talked about how awesome was the lesson. As I said earlier, it was the most awesome, amazing and fantastic English lesson in my life and I would like to have more lessons like that one.

Lukáš Wild,3TB

Our day with students from USA

On 5th January, some students from USA had English lesson with us. I think there were eleven students in our class. Every student from our class was with student from USA. I was with Péťa and with one girl (I forgot her name). We shortly talked about our families and about us. We found out that the girl has a twin. Then the teacher of students from USA wrote 4 words on the blackboard. We had to choose a word that didn’t belong to the others like CAT, LION, TIGER, BEAR etc. Also, we guessed winter rhymes. There were questions like „What hang from the roof and rhymes with bicycle?“ and the answer was „Icicle“. Some questions were difficult, becouse we know the answer only in czech language. But the girl helps us, of course. Than we filled out crossword about Winter olympics. That was the most difficult for me, becouse I didn’t know so many sports in english language. But I learned new words and that’s fine. At the end of the lesson we took a picture together. I like it, but I hada problems with talking. I hope it will get better.

Tereza Štěpničková, 3TB


Last Friday a group of American students with their teachers visited our
school. We met them in our Englisch lesson. First they introduced themselfs
to our class. After that we formed pairs of the Czech pair. One American
student joined the Czech pair. So we worked together. There were three
girls. Our American friend was fifteen. Her parents came to the USA from
Belgium. She had one older and one younger sister. She was nice to us and
she liked my shirt. She was tall and slim with brown hair and blue eyes. We
talked to her about our hobbies and families. Then the American teacher
explained word games to us and we started to play. Because the Winter
Olympic Games are approacing, we completed a crossword with vocabulary about
sports. When we finished this task, we got American chewing gum. We also
played other games with English questions and words. Finally we talked to
each other again. We said goodbye and took a photo of us and the American
girl. I would like to meet foreign students more often because it was a
great experience.

Kateřina Hodačová, 4KB


On friday 5. january we had a big surprise. Seven Students came from south
We worked in pairs and with one student from USA. I was with Verunka and
one of the twins Zoe.
She was friendly. She was 16. She liked Marvell films, specially Captain of
America. She had one sister, her twin. They looked like the same. After
high school she wants to go the college in town, where she lives, and
become a doctor.
During this lesson we did this: we spoke together at the first, than the
teacher from south Carolina wrote four words on the board and we guessed
which one is wrong. After that we got a crossword. When we did it Zoe gave
us a sweet and bracelet. It was the end of the lesson, we said good bye to
each other.
This lesson was very interesting to meet people from USA and tried to
understand them. I understood them well, I think. It was fine. Please,
more lesson like that.

Eliska Frankova, 4KB


We had an amazing lesson on Friday. Our teacher sent us to another classroom and there were students from Jižní Karolina. 
They told us their names and their hobbies. After that, we talked to them. One American student was with two of us. Tim was an American student. He talked to Honza and me. 

At the first time one American woman wrote on board 5 animals and we spoke about what animal is different. Then she wrote 5 means of transport. We spoke about what word is strange. 
After that, we wrote words to crossword and Tim helped us. We had everythink right. 
Then we played game. In game we spoke about our hobbies and I found out Tim and his friends are Christians. It is amazing. 
Finally, American students gave us bracelets. 

Hana Zikanova, 4KB


Aktuální informace


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RNDr. Milada Křížová

RNDr. Milada Křížová (*5. 3. 1985), meteoroložka Českého hydrometeorologického ústavu, televizní moderátorka relací Počasí v České televizi, trenérka atletiky a organizátorka běžeckých soutěží, maturovala na naší škole v roce 2004 pod svým dívčím příjmením Šandová.


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Tony Wagner 24 %
William Blake 9 %
Oscar Wilde 49 %
Albert Einstein 12 %
Celkový počet hlasů: 216
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3. březen 1903

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„Jednou sám vidět je lepší než stokrát slyšet.“  ˇPraví jedno japonské přísloví a my na konci vlastního kurzu, můžeme potvrdit, že to pravda jest!

Kurz ekologické výchovy pro studenty biologického semináře započal v pondělí 3. června 2024 a během týdne jsme měli možnost poznávat zajímavá místa na Nymbursku.

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